Mumbai City
l adopt Honey is a one-month-old female pup. She is healthy and dewormed. She has an extremely gorgeous grey coat and is of Indian breed. Many Indian pups, males and females, are available for free adoption into loving homes Contact: To bring home an Indian pup, call 98200 01506, 98213 27618 Baby is a little 5-6 week old kitten looking for a loving home to adopt her. She is playful, healthy, sweet, bubbly and adorable. She is also kitty-litter-toilet-trained. Many more kittens are up for adoption. Kittens are best adopted in pairs and provide love, entertainment and happiness, and will always be part of your home Contact: To adopt, call 99870 85350 An SPCA volunteer recently rescued a five-month-old cat in a road accident. The doctors had to amputate her left law. She is currently admitted at the SPCA hospital in Parel and is doing fine. She will be discharged shortly. Owing to her special condition, it might be difficult to find her a loving home that will accept and love her Contact: If you want to adopt or visit her, please call Jessica at 98692 80901 or Deven at 90047 10400 or email Candy is 5-months-old, kitty-litter-trained and absolutely adorable. She is extremely loving and playful. Contact: To adopt, call 98200 89351 or 98211 89351 Urban Dogs is a one-day fun fest presented by and World For All Animal Care and Adoptions in association with Mark — the pet shop and Eureka Forbes. Take advantage of discounts, offers and sales, and participate in games, fun music and on-the-spot contests. Little puppies and kittens will also be up for adoption at the event. Pet parents and dog lovers can indulge in various activities throughout the day and have a great time. When: Today, January 15 Where: Bandra Hindu Association Hall, Linking Road, Bandra (West) l spirituality New Life Foundation presents a two-day intensive workshop on Cosmic Journey through Chakra Healing by Santosh Joshi. Chakras are main energy centers in our body connected to major glands. They are also centers for our emotions, intellect, power, communication, higher knowledge and the Self. This workshop will help you heal each of the seven major chakras from all the stagnant energy blocks, thereby energising each one. This will also help bring and heal any past life memories attached to any of the chakras, which is having an effect on present life and situations When: Jan 21 to Jan 22 Where: Lecture Hall, 4th Floor, Ravindra Natya Mandir, Prabhadevi Timing: 9am to 5pm Contact: To register, call Aruna on 98205 00427, 98204 01670 or visit Attend a beginner’s session on Three-Step Rhythmic Breathing (3SRB), an ancient technique of breathing which calms the mind and brings total physical, emotional and mental health to our body-brain system. This technique has come from the Yogasutra of Sage Patanjali. All 3SRB sessions are completely free and require no prior registration. The session will be an introduction to the system and include the teaching of the six refining exercises When: Sunday, January 15 Where: Haveli Temple, 10th Road, next to Prateeksha (Amitabh Bachchan’s old bungalow), JVPD Scheme, Juhu Timing: 9.30am to 11.30am Contact: 93233 63632 or visit l active After two successful nature camps in Andaman, BNHS once again is arranging a camp to these enchanting Islands. These islands have good numbers of endemic flora and fauna. They also have a very high forest cover of over 85%. Andaman Island is a treat for nature lovers and enthusiasts. The charges are Rs26,500 for members and 27,100 for others (including travel, food and permits) Contact: To register, call Hornbill House at 2287 1202, 2282 1811 or e-mail Learn Tribal Belly Dance with Reetu Jain who has trained and performed nationally and internationally for over 25 years. This 6-hour intensive workshop will review some of the basic techniques in belly dance such as isolations, hip rotations, undulations, shimmies, etc. and build on those techniques to introduce the tribal style of belly dance. Besides improving mind/body awareness, body conditioning and motor skills, one will also get the chance to audition for India's first tribal style belly dance troupe upon successful completion of the course. The cost is Rs2,500 per person for four sessions When: January 18 onwards, every Wednesday Where: The Art Loft, Valentino first floor, above Patel Store, Mehboob Studio, Bandra Timing: 7.30pm to 9pm Contact: To regiser, call 99304 83966 or email l KIDS Want your kids to be excited about helping a good cause and participating in a fun physical activity? Attend the unique charity fundraising event Eoto Fete. There will be a bouquet of activities like science workshops by Indigo Kidz for all the smart young ones out there; Kidz Arts with Hobby Ideas corner to explore their inner imagination; Make and Break pottery studio and also Xocolat to help tiny chefs to make their own delicious cookies and cupcakes. Entry fee is Rs100 When: January 22 Where: Joss Banquets, Rampart Row, Fountain Timing: 11am to 8pm l campus Attend Water — We Deserve it, Let's Conserve It, a series of intercollegiate competitions to create awareness about water conservation in top colleges in the city organized by IDFC Ltd. The competitions will emphasise the importance of water and how to save, recycle and conserve water. Activities include debates, essay writing and photo exhibitions When: Jan 16 (St Xavier's), Jan 17 (St Andrew's), Jan 19 (Raheja College) and Jan 23 (St Xavier's) l Health Rotary Club of Mumbai is organising a Mega Medical Checkup & Awareness camp in association with KG Somaiya Trust until January 25. No prior registration is required and all programmes are free Timing: Each programme will be conducted from 8.15am to 10.30am What & When: Sunday – A counselling Q&A session on Nutrition Awareness by Dr Subhadra Mandalika and Mrs Anuradha Mitra Monday — Session on Homeopathy Awarenss by Dr Krishna Kumar, Dr Lata Kumar and Dr Meera Javeri. Free sample medicines, CDs and books will be distributed. There will also be a free checkup of atendees Tuesday — Consultancy on Astro Vaastu for Health by Ashok Sharma |
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