Monday, August 3, 2015

11:51 AM

Gold will go down further

और फीकी होगी सोने की चमक

आनंद जौहरी के मुताबिक 2 नवंबर, 2014 की रात 8 बजकर 54 मिनट से 26 दिसंबर, 2017 की रात तक शनि मंगल की राशि वृश्चिक में गतिशील है। इससे सोने में नई गिरावट की पूर्ण संभावना है। हालांकि सोना अपने प्रोसेसिंग शुल्क से कुछ डॉलर ही ऊपर है, लेकिन आने वाले दिन सोने के भाव में नई तबाही का इशारा कर रहे हैं। सोने की सारी मंदी अभी ही हो जाएगी, ऐसा नहीं है। थोड़ी मंदी अवश्य मेष के शनि के लिए बच जाएगी, लेकिन इस स्तर से भी अभी कुछ सौ डॉलर की गिरावट की पूरी गुंजाइश है। यदि रुपये में मजबूती आई, तो सोने की यह गिरावट और ज्यादा दर्दनाक हो सकती है। जैसे ही शनिदेव 26 जनवरी, 2017 को धनु राशि में अपने चरण रखेंगे, सोने में अचानक सुधार भी दर्ज होगा। फिलहाल सोने की तेजी करने वालों के लिए यह काल ग्रह शांति और होम-हवन करने का प्रतीत हो रहा है। निश्चित रूप से भविष्य सोने के भाव में नई तबाही का इशारा कर रहा है।

सोने में आई ऐतिहासिक गिरावट ने सभी को सकते में डाल दिया है। हालांकि, इसकी संभावना एनबीटी ने दो साल पहले ही जता दी थी कि सोने की चमक फीकी पड़ सकती है। एनबीटी ऑनलाइन पर ग्रह-नक्षत्रों की चाल और वक्त की गणना की सटीक जानकारी रखने वाले आध्यात्मिक और ज्योतिषीय चिंतक आनंद जौहरी ने सोने की कीमतों में गिरावट को लेकर भविष्यवाणी कर दी थी, जो आज सही साबित हो रही है।

सोना अनादि काल से ही मुद्रा का पर्याय रहा है। यह चमकीली धातु किसी अर्थव्यवस्था के लिए मेरुदंड के समान है। आनंद जौहरी के मुताबिक ज्योतिषीय दृष्टि से सोने पर बृहस्पति, मंगल, सूर्य और शुक्र का अधिपत्य माना जाता है। पर, शनि की घोड़े जैसी ढाई वर्ष की चाल इन सब पर भारी पड़ती है। शनिदेव जब-जब बुध की राशि मिथुन और कन्या में जाते हैं, इस पीली धातु में रेकॉर्ड तेजी दर्ज की जाती है। वहीं जब-जब शनि देव मंगल की राशि मेष और वृश्चिक में जाते हैं, सोने का भाव धरातल पर आकर फड़फड़ाने लगता है।

And would pale golden glow

According to the jeweler enjoy November 2, 2014 night from 8 pm to 54 minutes December 26, 2017 the night of the amount of Saturn in Scorpio Tue dynamic. The full potential of a new low in gold. Although only a few dollars above the processing fee of gold, but in the coming days, gold prices are pointing to new devastation. The recession will still be lots of gold, it is not. Saturn in Aries must be saved for a recession, but the level is still full scope of the decline of a few hundred dollars. If the rupee firmed up, then gold may decline and more painful. As Shani January 26, 2017 to keep his foot in Sagittarius, a sudden correction in gold will be recorded. The gold boom period of stay for this planet of peace and home-fire seems to be. Certainly the future price of gold is pointing to the new catastrophe.

The historic decline in gold can all put in. However, its potential was expressed two years ago by NBT golden glow can fade. NBT online Constellations move and with exact details of the calculation of time to enjoy the spiritual and astrological thinker jewelers about a drop in gold prices had predicted, which is coming true today.

The currency is synonymous with gold since time immemorial. The shiny metal is similar to the spine for any economy. According to Jupiter on gold jewelers enjoy astrological terms, Tue, Sun and Venus rule is considered. At two and a half years as Saturn moves horse has outstripped all. Shani whenever Mercury Gemini and Virgo are in, the yellow metal has rallied in the record. Whenever the amount of the Saturn Dev Tue Aries and Scorpio are in, the price of gold on the ground seems to be flapping.
11:42 AM

Spirutual Mumbai Programmes - Free Yoga Training

मुंबई में आज

g श्री प्रेमपुरी आश्रम: नि:शुल्क योग प्रशिक्षण Free Yoga Training, सवेरे 6.30 बजे, स्वामी मुक्तानंद महाराज द्वारा ‘गीता अध्याय-18,(मोक्षसंन्यास योग)’ पर सत्संग प्रवचन, सवेरे 7.30 बजे, स्वामी अनंतानंदजी महाराज द्वारा ‘गीता तात्पर्यबोधिनी’ पर स्वाध्याय, सवेरे 8.45 बजे, महावीर सैनिक द्वारा योग प्रशिक्षण, शाम 6 बजे, आदि कल्याणीवाला द्वारा अंग्रेजी में वेदकंत ट्रिटी पर प्रवचन, शाम 7 बजे, प्रेमपुरी अध्यात्म विद्याभवन, स्वामी प्रेमपुरी चौक, बाबुलनाथ रोड, मुंबई।(Mr. Prempuri Ashram: Free yoga training, morning 6.30 am, Swami Maharaj Muktanand 'Gita Chapter 18, (Mokshsnnyas Yoga)' discourse on the presence, in the morning at 7.30 am, Swami Maharaj Anantanandji 'Gita Tatprybodini on "self-cultivation, morning 8:45 pm, Maha Yoga training by the military, at 6 pm, and in English by Kalyaniwala discourse on Vedkant Treaty, 7pm, Prempuri Adhyatma Vidyabhavan, Swami Prempuri Chowk, Babulnath Road, Mumbai.)

g सत्प्रेम साधना ट्रस्ट: स्वामी दिव्यचैतन्य महाराज द्वारा बृहदारण्यकोपनिषद्’ पर स्वाध्याय सवेरे 7.30 बजे, ‘श्रीमद् भगवदगीता’ पर प्रवचन, शाम 5 बजे, शक्ति सत्यम बिल्डिंग, मिस्त्री कॉम्प्लेक्स, जे.बी. नगर, अंधेरी (पूर्व)।

g परमसत्ता: ‘भगवान प्रकट हो-अभियान’ सुबह एवं शाम 6.30 बजे, सिंघानियावाडी, चौथा माला, दादी सेठ अग्यारी लेन, मुंबई।                  


g आर्ट गैलरी में: आनंद गजरमल के चित्रों की प्रदर्शनी, सवेरे 11 बजे, नेहरू सेंटर आर्ट गैलरी, डिस्कवरी ऑफ इंडिया बिल्डिंग, एनी बेसेंट रोड, वर्ली। 50 कलाकारों के चित्रों की प्रदर्शनी ‘रंगो की रिमझिम’, सवेरे 11 बजे, जहांगीर आर्ट गैलरी (हॉल नं 1,2 व 3), काला घोड़ा, मुंबई।

g पुस्तक मेला: आशीष बुक सेंटर के सौजन्य से, सवेरे 9.30 से रात 8.15 बजे तक, सुंदरबाई हॉल, एसएनडीटी कॉलेज के सामने चर्चगेट, मुंबई।

g मुंशी प्रेमचंद फेस्टिवल : मुजीब खान द्वारा 'प्रेम उत्सव' का आयोजन दोपहर 4 बजे, साठे कॉलेज ऑडिटोरियम, विलेपार्ले (ईस्ट)।

g तरुण उत्कर्ष भाजीपाला व्यापारी मंडल: मंडल के संस्थापक क्रांतिसिंह नाना पाटील की 115वीं जयंती पर समारोह, सवेरे 10.30 बजे, बेडेकर सदन-1, रूम नं.18, 4था माला, एन.सी.केलकर रोड, दादर (प.)।

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

5:34 PM

D-Company suffers yet another jolt as Sharad Shetty is killed in Dubai

Paying the piper
D-Company suffers yet another jolt as
Sharad Shetty is killed in Dubai

'Vengeance is mine'. Chhota Rajan may not have said it in so many words but the Mumbai don is out to make rival Dawood Ibrahim and company pay for their mistake of mounting an unsuccessful attempt on his life in Bangkok, three years ago. On January 19, Rajan cut off Dawood's right hand when his button men gunned down Dubai-based Sharad Shetty, who had kept his boss posted about Rajan's movements prior to the Bangkok operation.

Shetty, head of the Rami Group which owns the Regent Palace and Regal hotels in Dubai, was gunned down at the lounge of the India Club, a popular hangout of Indian businessmen. As he walked in around 9 p.m. (10.30 p.m. IST) to attend a dinner, he was confronted by two nattily dressed youth in their mid-30s. Before Shetty, 45, could react, they pumped bullets into his chest and head from point-blank range.

The police were immediately called in but the assailants had by then melted into the darkness outside. Two hours later, Shetty's wife Shashikala, who witnessed the shooting, was escorted home. Shetty's children-daughters Swayam and Shraddha and son Sandeep-were told about the incident only later.

The shootout bore the stamp of the underworld and shocked the expatriate Indian community, especially the businessmen among whom Shetty was popular. It also angered the Dubai Police. The hugely popular Dubai Shopping Festival was underway and the bloodletting could not have come at a worse time. "We will act tough with those who could be a source of trouble," said Major-General Dhahi Khalfan Tamim, chief of Dubai Police. "The murder should be an eye-opener and it should encourage us to review our visa and investment policies. We should not allow people with a criminal background to stay amid us."

His concern is not without reason. Dubai desperately wants to avoid the tag of being a playground of criminals from the subcontinent, specially in view of Uncle Sam's war on terror. Meanwhile, India Club, formerly known as India Sports Club, has been accused of accepting members without checking their antecedents. When asked whether the club would review its membership policy, its secretary refused to respond.
It will take a while for Dawood to recover from the loss of Shetty, who hailed from Dakshina Kannada district in Karnataka. Their friendship goes back a long way. Senior Inspector Pradeep Shinde of the Mumbai Police crime branch said the two met in the late 1970s when Dawood was still making his mark in the underworld. Shetty was then running a modest jewellery shop in Jogeshwari, a communally sensitive pocket of north-western Mumbai. In those days, Dawood was mainly dealing in smuggled gold, and the friendship was mutually beneficial.

"Gold consignments used to be dumped in airport dustbins, to be picked up later by sweepers on Dawood's payroll," said Shinde. "It would then be routed to Shetty." In 1983, the duo was arrested by the customs sleuths for smuggling activities. Rajan, too, was working for Dawood at that time.

When Dawood fled to Dubai in 1984, Shetty followed his master. When the underworld got divided on communal lines following the 1993 serial blasts in Mumbai, Shetty and Sunil Sawant alias Sautya were the only Hindu gangsters who remained loyal to Dawood. Rajan broke away saying the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence was patronising the D-Company. Dawood never forgot the slight.

In Dubai, Shetty turned to narcotic smuggling since gold business had lost its sheen after India relaxed import rules. He also ran a betting syndicate in the UAE along with Pakistan's Hamid Qasim. Shetty, Anna to his friends, was close to several Indian cricketers and a former Indian captain is said to have slept in his bedroom. He also owned hotels and night clubs in Abu Dhabi, apart from Dubai.

Even as Shetty was building his business empire, Dawood was itching to get even with Rajan. In the early 90s Rajan was invited for a party aboard a yacht for what Dawood planned as Rajan's last supper. Rajan got wind of Dawood's intention and stayed away.

Rajan struck back in 1995 by killing Sautya in a Dubai hotel. Dawood retaliated by shooting Mumbai hotelier Ramnath Payyade, who was said to be close to Rajan. He avenged Payyade's death by gunning down three members of the D-Company.

Dawood then asked Shetty to track Rajan's movements and it helped that a large chunk of the rival gang comprised people from his comm-unity. First he got in touch with Mohan Kotian, who was controlling Rajan's operations in Karnataka. Rajan smelt a rat and sent his Bangkok-based sharpshooter Rohit Verma to deal with him. Kotian was bumped off when he refused to fall in line.

Shetty then turned to his own man, Mumbai-based hotelier Vinod Shetty, for help. Vinod readily agreed to get the details of Rajan's whereabouts. According to the Mumbai Police, Rajan associate Guru Satam helped get the details. Ashok Shetty, whom Rajan trusted, also agreed to knock on the door of the flat in which Rajan stayed in Bangkok to facilitate the entry of the assailants.

In spite of the elaborate planning, the shooters led by Munna Jhingada failed to eliminate Rajan. Rohit Verma and his wife were killed in the shootout while Rajan escaped with severe injuries. That turned out to be a costly mistake. He later escaped from the Samitivej Hospital in Bangkok, where he was admitted following the attack.

While recuperating from the near-fatal injuries in an undisclosed destination in Europe, Rajan called up his men in Mumbai and asked them to prepare for a showdown. His first target was Vinod, who was killed in 2001. Next was the turn of Sunil Soans alias Sunil Florist, who helped Vinod track Rajan, and O.P. Singh, whom Rajan suspected of being in touch with Shetty.

Bangalore don Muthappa Rai, who was recently deported from Dubai, apparently arranged the shooters who sprayed bullets on Shetty. Rai had a score to settle because he believed that Shetty was instrumental in getting him arrested in Dubai. Rai also had profits to make. Police believe that Rajan has promised him all help in running the Bangalore underworld.

Mumbai Police claim that the D-Company has considerably weakened with Shetty's death. "It will be the beginning of the end for Dawood," said an officer.

Chhota Rajan will be hoping the same.

With reports from Dubai
Shetty was Dawood's (extreme left) Man Friday till Anees (left) came into picture. Rajan (below) dealt a blow to the D-Company by killing him.
The revenge trail
Munna Jhingada: Led the team of sharpshooters in Bangkok. Now in Karachi.
Vinod Shetty: Mumbai hotelier who spied on Rajan. Killed in Mumbai in 2001.
O.P. Singh: Maintained contacts with Sharad Shetty. Killed last year in Mumbai.
Sunil Soans alias Sunil Florist: Helped Vinod Shetty. Killed last year in Mumbai.
Guru Satam: Helped Vinod track Rajan. Now possibly in Malaysia.
Sharad Shetty: Coordinated intelligence against Rajan. Killed in Dubai on January 19.
4:51 PM

Your kids can touch fish at renovated Taraporevala Aquarium in Mumbai from Friday

Your kids can touch fish at renovated Taraporevala Aquarium from Friday

The country's oldest and once one of the city's main attractions, the Taraporevala Aquarium, is set to reopen. The renovated aquarium, with a marine tunnel, will be inaugurated on Friday by chief minister Devendra Fadnavis.
Its key attraction will be a 12-foot long and 360 degree acrylic glass tunnel, from where visitors can enter.
Another main attraction will be special pools, where children can touch fish which are harmless. The fish will be in large glass tanks,which will be lit with LED lights.
The renovation, on for two years, should have ended by August 2014 but got delayed due to technical reasons. The cost also escalated from Rs 19 crore to Rs 22 crore.
The new aquarium will have about 2,000 fish of over 400 species, most of them imported from Hong Kong and Bangkok.
Most of the marine fish are exotic, like the butterfly , damsel, helicopter, Arowana and Gruppen. Others varieties include the tang, yellowstriped tang, blue-spotted stingray , star, clown, hark, trigger, Grouper and Moorish idol.
“The aquarium will have awareness programmes.There will be slide shows or educational films of 10-15 minutes each for children,“ said fisheries commissioner Madhukar Gaikwad.
Mumbaikars will, however, have to pay Rs 15-20 more as entry fees. The government has after 12 years hiked the visitors' fees for adults (above 12 years) to Rs 60 and for children (3-12 years) it will be Rs 30. Other than the Rs 500 charge for using your mobile, the use of digital or video cameras will be charged an extra Rs 1,000. For professional cameras, the fee is higher.
PWD engineers said the new aquarium has been given a third-generation look and the new fee structure was due to the introduction of new varieties of fish and high maintenance cost. The entire renovation has cost the government around Rs 22 crore.
Reaching Taraporewala

By Train : Nearest station being Charni Road on Western Railway Route, Second station from Churchgate (South Mumbai). If you are coming from outside city or are a tourist getting down at CST station, Direct taxi and buses are easy option to reach in next 15 to 20 minutes. If your train drops you at Dadar station, get any slow local train towards Churchgate and get down at 7th station from Dadar which is Charni Road. If you are a tourist staying at far suburb hotels near airport or locations around you need to follow the same train route and catch any local train towards churchgate. Once at station, you can see sea beach side connecting chowpatty and its just walkable from here.

By Road : Get inside Mumbai city from Eastern / Western Express Highway and follow the sign boards towards south Mumbai. From east of Marine lines, Cross a small east west flyover bridge and you are to this attraction. Alternatively you can get inside Dadar west and follow Worli AB Road, Peddar Road or Bhulabhai Desai Road which takes you towards Chowpatty Beach near Aquarium.

Address Contacts and Timings
Address : Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Road, Near Charni Road Railway Station, Post Police Gymkhana Club House, Marine Lines, Mumbai, Maharashtra – 400002, India
Contact : +91-22-22821239
Timings 10:30 am – 8:00 pm Weekdays, 10:00 am to 8:00 pm on Sundays, Monday Closed.

Preparing ahead for the expected rush yesterday, authorities had deployed additional staff and police personnel at the aquarium, especially the ticket counter, to manage the rush. However, the visitors standing in the long queue were disappointed when they read that extra charges would be applicable for any individual who wants to click photos, even from a mobile phone.
Great expectations
What’s more, once inside the aquarium, many expressed their dissatisfaction with the renovation. It seems that photos of a multi-level aquarium had been doing the rounds on WhatsApp groups, claiming to be of the newly renovated Taraporevala aquarium. Most visitors yesterday said that the aquarium was not what they had expected at all.
Umar Matto (24) had come from Thane with his family of three to visit the aquarium. “I saw photos of the multi-level aquarium on WhatsApp and we decided to come and see it, but I am not satisfied with how the aquarium has been developed. Moreover, I was shocked to see some fishes in the tank already dead, just a day after the opening. Authorities are charging R500 for clicking photos with a cell phone, which is unfair.
I think mobile photography should be free.” Another visitor said, “We were expecting the renovated aquarium to match international standards, but the reality is quite disappointing. I get to see a better diversity of fishes during local fish exhibitions. On top of that, they want to charge R500 for taking photos. If the charges are not cancelled, no one will turn up.”
A representative of a South Mumbai school was also visiting the aquarium to see if they could organise a picnic for students, but even she expressed her dissatisfaction with the aquarium. Visitors were seen writing negative remarks on the visitor’s diary that was kept on the premises, and even contacting authorities of the aquarium to express their disappointment.
Worli-resident Sanjay Parab, who had come with his wife and daughter, said, “I had come here thinking that it is a multi-level aquarium, but when I reached I realised that the images being circulated on WhatsApp are fake. Charging money for mobile photography inside the aquarium is not a good idea.”

Expert speak
Anand Pendharkar, environmentalist from sprouts NGO, said, “It is ridiculous to charge Rs 500 for using mobile camera. This is almost as much as someone would pay to visit an amusement park that offers many recreational activities, unlike an aquarium. It is a government-run aquarium and not a place to charge such a hefty amount.”

There is a bit of personal history over Taraporevala Aquarium:
1) I have visited Mumbai’s sole aquarium over three decades ago, and it was nothing to remember.
2) Three recent visits, only to learn that it hadn’t opened as yet.
3) We’ve been to Singapore’s Ocenarium. And, THAT is a must-visit.
As I exit our cab outside Charni Road I recall these memories, and our visit to the only other attempt at an aquarium in this sea-faced city: the Dolphin Aquarium.
Tareporevala Aquarium is packed. Well, I don’t know what I expected but it is not bad.
After all the fuss and the time taken to open it, it could have been better, but it is not bad.
Taraporevala Aquarium
While the place is a must-visit for Mumbai’s kids, the crowds can be a put-off for visitors as it obstructs clear views of the marine life on display. Pics/Bipin Kokate
The aquarium consists of one long room lined with glass cases that carry fish. The glass cases are bigger, wider and the fish in each case is identified with information given in two languages. We jostled through the crowd trying to look at the fish. The centre of the room also has cases with fish in it. The much-touted Marine Touch Pool is a huge disappointment. It is a mid-size tank that is open on the top where, if you look closely, you will find starfish and cucumber fish and other quiet marine life that can be touched. The kids did not feel like touching them.
Taraporevala Aquarium
Ammol, my son, seems to have a penchant for sharks. Much to his, disappointment, we didn’t get to see any. There is a mix of marine and freshwater fishes, including coral fishes collected from Lakshadweep as well as marine landscape. The Moray Eels, Singapore Turtles and Stingrays excite many. There is a museum of sorts containing specimens of preserved fishes and some varieties of seashells. We were in a hurry, but we could browse through the entire aquarium within 10 minutes.
Taraporevala Aquarium
Taraporewala Aquarium was overwhelming; unfortunately, for the wrong reasons. Perhaps a combination of factors — the closure of schools for smaller kids, the opening of a novelty of sorts for children, the lack of new and affordable places to take kids to for entertainment — made this place crowded and uncomfortably noisy.
The Aquarium is a must-visit and hopefully, there will be more added to the space in terms of activities and information and collection. For now, it seems like a place I would like to re-visit if and when the crowds dwindle.

The country's oldest and once one of the city's main attractions, the Taraporevala Aquarium, is set to reopen.

The renovated aquarium, with a marine tunnel, will be inaugurated on Friday by chief minister Devendra Fadnavis.

Its key attraction will be a 12-foot long and 360 degree acrylic glass tunnel, from where visitors can enter.

Another main attraction will be special pools, where children can touch fish which are harmless. The fish will be in large glass tanks,which will be lit with LED lights.

The renovation, on for two years, should have ended by August 2014 but got delayed due to technical reasons. The cost also escalated from Rs 19 crore to Rs 22 crore.

The new aquarium will have about 2,000 fish of over 400 species, most of them imported from Hong Kong and Bangkok.

Most of the marine fish are exotic, like the butterfly, damsel, helicopter, Arowana and Gruppen. Others varieties include the tang, yellow-striped tang, blue-spotted stingray, star, clown, hark, trigger, Grouper and Moorish idol.

"The aquarium will have awareness programmes. There will be slide shows or educational films of 10-15 minutes each for children," said fisheries commissioner Madhukar Gaikwad.

Mumbaikars will, however, have to pay Rs 15-20 more as entry fees. The government has after 12 years hiked the visitors' fees for adults (above 12 years) to Rs 60 and for children (3-12 years) it will be Rs 30. Other than the Rs 500 charge for using your mobile, the use of digital or video cameras will be charged an extra Rs 1,000. For professional cameras, the fee is higher.

PWD engineers said the new aquarium has been given a third-generation look and the new fee structure was due to the introduction of new varieties of fish and high maintenance cost. The entire renovation has cost the government around Rs 22 crore. aquarium mumbai
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